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Amrutvahini College of Engineering Sangamner


Amrutvahini College of Engineering Sangamner


Department of Workshop, a centralize facility, was set up since establishment of the college in 1983. Department is equipped with modern and high end machinery with investment up to one crore and has total carpet area 1347.3m2. Department conducts workshop practices such as Turning, Machining, Welding, Black Smithy, Plastic Injection Molding, Carpentry, Fitting, Pattern Making, Foundry (Sand moulding and casting) and Tin Smithy etc. for the students of various disciplines. All First Year, second and third year engineering students from Mechanical and Production not only perform their curricular practicals in this department but also complete their UG and PG projects.

In addition to academic work, student are utilizing workshop facility to carryout innovative work related to model preparation, machine attachments, supporting devices for various technical and cultural events as well as mini projects.

Workshop facilities are also used for revenue generation by designing, manufacturing and selling a product for industry and society of rural part of India under incubation cell such as:

    • Amrut bumb for farmer to heat water for bath on agree waste.

    • Amrut chulla for cooking and heating water simultaneously.

    • Amrut bench for in-house and for nearby school.

    • Customized design and fabrication of cots and furniture.

    • Value addition courses on CNC programming for our own and nearby institute student.

    • Manufacturing industrial component under incubation center.

Inauguration of Incubation Centre by Hon. Shri. Balasaheb Thorat (MLA) Ex. Minister Revenue and khar land, Maharashtra State.

Vision & Mission:


Workshop’s vision is one that enhances practical knowledge to turn ideas into reality through quality training, fosters innovation and creativity and provides opportunities for collaboration and cooperation with industries to cope up with ongoing industrial practices.


  1. To facilitate student and faculty as a resource unit to complete their practical/project/research work.
  2. Impregnating manufacturing skill and developing safety awareness in the mind of student.
  3. Produce quality manpower through practical training.
  4. Generate revenue as well as bridge the gap between industry-institute and develop the industry oriented student’s through subcontracting industrial good and manufacturing society products.
  5. To establish a research and development center.
  6. To develop various teaching aids as per requirement of institute.


Sr. No. Type No. of Rooms Seating Capacity (Number) Area (Sq. M)
1. Section / Shop 07 30 879.045
2. Audio Visual Lab 01 30 31.299
3. Tool Room 01 -- 20.297
4. Labs 02 10 40.455
5. Staff Cabin 01 -- 20.300
6. W/S Office 01 01 22.900
7. Workshop Store 01 -- 20.900
Total 1035.196


1. Faculty Members:

Photo Faculty name and description
Name: Dr. R. S. Tajane
Designation : Prof. & Workshop Suptd.
Qualification : M.Tech.(Mech.), Ph.D
Exp Teaching: 28
Exp Industrial: 01
Area of Specialization: Production & Manufacturing
Name: N. J. Varpe
Designation : Asst. Prof. & AWS
Qualification : M.E.(Prod.)
Exp Teaching: 04
Exp Industrial: 02
Area of Specialization: Manufacturing
Name: S. T. Bhor
Designation : Tech. Asst.
Qualification : DME
Exp Teaching: 20
Exp Industrial: Nil
Area of Specialization: Manufacturing
Name: S. G. Kambale
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Machinist), NCTVT
Exp Teaching: 28
Exp Industrial: Nil
Area of Specialization: Machine tool
Name: B. D. Bide
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Turner), NCTVT
Exp Teaching:21
Exp Industrial: 03
Area of Specialization: Turner
Name: R. B. Hodgar
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Machinist), NCTVT
Exp Teaching: 20
Exp Industrial: 01
Area of Specialization: Machine tool
Name: D. G. Navale
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Fitter), NCTVT
Exp Teaching: 20
Exp Industrial: 01
Area of Specialization: Fitter
Name: S. S. Kolhe
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Tin Smither), NCTVT
Exp Teaching: 21
Exp Industrial: Nil
Area of Specialization: Sheet Metal Working.
Name: B. B. Dighe
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Welder)
Exp Teaching: 21
Exp Industrial: Nil
Area of Specialization: Joining Processes
Name: A. B. Raut
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Fitter)
Exp Teaching: 12
Exp Industrial: Nil
Area of Specialization: Fitter
Name: R. N. Kanawade
Designation : Instructor
Qualification : ITI (Welder)
Exp Teaching: 30
Exp Industrial: Nil
Area of Specialization: Joining Processes

2.Supporting Staff:

Photo Description
Name: Mr. B. B. Kakad
Designation : Peon
Qualification : S.S.C.
Exp Working: 12
Exp Industrial: Nil

Department Initiatives:

1. Incubation Centre:

Department starts Incubation Centre under Institute Industry Interaction to promote students to get knowledge about industrial activities as well as department manufactures industrial components. Along with that department carries various activities for nearby rural peoples, villagers to raise their standard of living.

Activities carried out under incubation centre:

1. Manufacturing industrial components, Farm equipment’s and appliances for rural peoples.

Incubation Centre - Manufactures components for Precision Auto Industries, Sinnar.

AVCOE ‘Team Mavericks’ manufacture ‘Onion Harvester’ in workshop which wins 1st Price in National Level event ‘Tifan 2018’ held and organized by MPKV, Rahuri.

NAAC Peer team take a ride through campus in Solar Auto Rickshaw which is manufactured in workshop.

Amrut Bench

Amrut Cot

Amrut Chicken House

Amrut Chulla (Simultaneously cook and heat the water)

Amrut Crane

Amrut Chair

Amrut Bumb (Water Heater- Use farm waste as a fuel).

2. Value Added Courses:

Sr. No. Course details Photo Outcome
1. CNC Operations & Programming Training for students. Students learned how to operate & program CNC machine.
2. CMM operating training for students. Students learned to operate CMM machine.
3. CNC Operations & Programming Training for staff Staff upgraded for next generation machine tools.


1. Section:

Sr. No. Section Name Area (Meter Sq.) Shop Cost (Rs.)
1 Turning 235.335 7074745.36
2 Machine 92.380
3 Fitting Shop 150.800 284992.04
4 Carpentry & Pattern Making 94.730 247203.28
5 Black Smithy and foundry 81.510 95991.25
6 Tin Smithy 104.650 174347.27
7 Welding 119.640 532931.11
8 CNC and CMM lab 40.455 1765478.42
9 Audio Visual Lab 31.299 612825.10
10 Administrative area 85.982
11 Workshop Store 41.060 217464.42
Total Built up Area 1077.841 Total =10393153.15
Total Carpet Area 1347.301

Turning Section

Name of Equipment

  • Lathe Machine Kirloskar make T-40
  • Lathe Machine, Hi-Cut 3503
  • HMT Lathe NH-26
  • Centre lathe LZ-300G (Gedee Wiler)
  • MAC power Lathe, model-215 LX-1
  • Centre lathe- 2130 mm bed
  • Capstan lathe model RDV 250/28
Machine Section

Name of Equipment

  • Milling M/c, Tubro make
  • Cylindrical grinding Machine
  • Surface Grinder
  • Planer machine Omega make
  • Precision Centre less grinder
  • Tool &Cutter grinder
  • MMT slotting Machine
Fitting Section

Name of Equipment

Radial Drill Machine, capacity 38mm

Hydraulic Hacksaw Machine,10"

Carpentry & Pattern Making Section

Name of Equipment

  • Planner cum thickness planer
  • Sand Muller
  • Wood Working lathe
  • Band Saw
  • Sensitive Drilling Machine
  • Portable Rotary Hammer Type Drilling
Welding Section

Name of Equipment

  • TIG Welding Machine, Ador Make
  • MIG Welding Machine
  • Arc Welding Machine
  • Spot Welding Machine
  • Rapid bending Machine ,AMT Make
  • Abrasive Cutting Machine, Bosch Make
Tin Smithy Section

Name of Equipment

  • Sheet roiling & bending Machine
  • Sheet Shearing Machine
  • Hydraulic Press
  • Screw Press
  • Punching, Blanking, Bending Dies
  • Soldering Machine
Foundry & Black Smithy Section

Name of Equipment

  • Power forging hammer 65 kg
  • Open Hearth Furnace
  • Injection Moulding Press
  • Shearing Machine
  • Pedestal Grinding Machine

2. List of Major Equipment:

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Qty. Total
1 Lathe machine Kirloskar make T-40 10 2105359.00
2 CNC Lathe Machine with stabilizer, SMARTURN 1 1765478.42
3 Lathe Machine ,Make & Model: Hi-Cut 3503 5 1761238.10
4 HMT Lathe NH-26 1 673869.90
5 Milling M/c,Tubro make 1 225291.38
6 Gedee Wiler center lathe LZ 300G 4 217813.68
7 All geared head lathe, Turner, MAC power,model-215 LX-1 1 199687.50
8 Cylindrical grinding machine, Devco make, 1 193155.75
9 Surface Grinder 1 191250.00
10 TIG Welding machine 1 188800.00
11 Planer machine Omega make 1 153450.00
12 Radial Drill Machine, capacity 38mm 1 81526.50
13 Precision Centre less grinder, Parco make 1 75600.00
14 Centre lathe Suresh make 2130 mm bed 1 74880.00
15 Tool &Cutter grinder A.M.T. Make 1 74115.00
16 MIG Welding Machine 1 66375.00
17 Power forging hammer 65 kg 1 65455.00
18 Rapid bending m/c ,AMT Make, model no 4 1 51164.06
19 Sheet roiling & bending M/c 1 51065.00
20 Lathe machine Suresh make bed 1370 mm 1 43333.34
22 Gedee Wiler capstan lathe model RDV 250/28 1 41669.27
23 Hydraulic Hacksaw m/c,10",Jaswant Make 1 38010.38
24 Shearing machine model No.55/168 1 35740.80
25 MMT slotting machine 1 34320.00
26 Planner cum thickness planer 1 31715.00
Total cost 84,40,363.08